On the outside, I was living the dream. I had emigrated from the UK to Australia, was working in my childhood dream career as an equine veterinarian, in a secure relationship, partying in the city and running marathons in my "spare" time.

I was busy. Busy creating this outwardly perfect life of achievement.

What wasn’t apparent was the crippling anxiety with every hangover, self-criticism, the body dysmorphia, the shame I felt because I thought I *should* be grateful because I had created this life, hadn't I? 

Hadn't I ticked off these boxes that were supposed to make me happy? I just kept thinking "this can't be it".

Maybe you can relate.


Busy being busy. Two stress fractures (the classic "doing-too-much injury" as my doctor told me) in early 2019 after an ultramarathon forced me to slow down. Once still and quiet, I could no longer ignore the little voice inside telling me something wasn't right. I left the security of my 8 year relationship that we had both outgrown and started the rocky road back to myself. I was terrified but it was mixed with something else. Relief. 


Cue a lot of experimenting to figure out who I was and what I actually wanted. This path was winding and certainly not linear. My spirituality was deepening, but the self-sabotage cycle was hard to break. BAM. The universe clearly decided things weren't moving fast enough and I got kicked in the face by a horse at work. What followed was could be considered either PTSD or a dark night of the soul (or both!) and I knew these changes had to stick. It was a struggle but I knew returning to my old way of living just wasn't an option. I undertook my 350hr yoga teacher training, which lit a fire inside to share and teach. 


I now feel like an active participant in my life rather than an imposter playing a role. I hardly recognise the past versions of myself I've described but love and accept them with so much compassion. I've found balance between my passions and live a life that's perhaps a little unconventional, but truly lights me up. 


As a Self-Sabotage and Perfectionism Coach, I help people get out of their one way, become their most authentic selves and break through limiting beliefs to take the messy action required to live their purpose.

I'm a self-confessed nerd and I am forever fascinated by and learning about the world around me. In 2023, I got certified as an Aaruka Healer, a powerful modality that combines hypnotherapy and energy healing to work directly with the subconscious mind.

I also still love teaching yoga and practicing as a veterinarian a few days a week - this is all part of my purpose to heal, educate and empower. Your purpose is not something that is limited by one career. 

Living your purpose does not mean you have to fit into a neat little box. In fact, I'm here to tell you that you don't need to stay in your assigned box.

You are a multi-passionate, multi-faceted being and the world needs your authentic expression - all of it.


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